Monday, December 30, 2013

Log Home Maintenance

Do you know about the maintenance that needs to be done to a traditional log home? How about the cost of the maintenance?

Traditional log homes are a very maintenance intensive structure and require constant upkeep. Some of the maintenance includes: re-chinking, sealing, painting, and replacing split logs or pest infested logs. This type of maintenance takes a considerable amount of time and needs to happen every 3-5 years depending on the style and finish of your log home.

Below, you see what weather can do to your log home. As you can see, the wood is rotting off the wall because of improper care for the logs.

You don't want to be spending countless hours painting, staining, and sealing your log home. You want to be enjoying it with family and friends.

Lets talk about the cost of this maintenance. You can do it yourself, or you can hire a company instead. Either way, it is going to cost thousands of dollars over the course of 5-10 years and it never goes away.

Log home builders won't tell you about all the maintenance that is required because it would put them out of business! Make sure to look into what it takes to build a log home because we have only give you a glimpse of what it would take to maintain a log home.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Log Homes

Are you wanting to build a log home? You think it looks cool don't you? Have you done your homework and looked at the costs of a log home?

Just like with any highly involved purchase, you need to do your homework. How much does it cost? What are the pros and cons of this product? Are there other product out there that are better? We ask these questions a lot when making purchase of coffee, toothpaste, cars, shoes, etc. Those same questions should be asked too when looking to build a log home.

Research the cost to build your log home. Here are some questions to ask your contractor, home builder, and people who currently own a log home:

How much is it per square (10 ft x 10 ft wall coverage) or per square foot?

Will I have to maintain the logs every year? Every 3 years?

What are the costs involved in maintaining these logs?

Is the home energy efficient?

Will I have to perform pest control? What sort of pests will I have?

These are just an example of the types of questions you need to ask before investing heavily in a log home. You will be surprised about the pros and cons